On the evening of Tuesday, November 19th at 6:00 PM there will be an Ellsworth School Board workshop meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16zUIpgqrTG8F9AxjBOxZqoQ1f1jkcXjH/view?usp=sharing
On November 14, EEMS will be participating in World Diabetes Awareness Day by wearing all blue. This day is recognized globally to raise awareness about diabetes, support those affected, and encourage education on prevention and management of the condition. By wearing blue, we’re joining millions around the world to show our support for diabetes awareness. Let’s come together as a community and wear blue to help spread awareness!
With the support of PTF, EEMS is hosting a food drive to collect canned goods, ramen (beef or chicken), canned pasta, white pasta, canned meat, and macaroni and cheese. Students can place their donations in one of the designated boxes in the lobby. The box with the most contributions will decide the movie for the upcoming PTF movie night! Let’s join together to support our community.
Please note that the location of Tuesday, Nov 12th's board meeting has been changed to the Ellsworth Elementary Middle School Library. Here is the link to the updated agenda:
On the evening of Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 PM there will be an Ellsworth School Board meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QgLUnEBa4C4lCh9A1opwhLbE_UmCg9ig/view?usp=sharing
On the evening of Tuesday, October 15th at 6pm, there will be a Special School Board meeting at the Ellsworth Superintendent's Office - located at 11 Avery lane. Please click here for the agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luwEaPsni9vonAK7DV1pCQrK6kJKszAv/view?usp=sharing
Reminder - Students have a long weekend this week with no school on Friday, Oct 11th for a scheduled professional development day for staff and Monday, Oct 14th is a holiday! Enjoy your long weekend!
Please see the updated agenda for tomorrow nights board school board meeting, Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the updated agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hObovPoUGkvdjQm5y9vBwh7mlFOuDBme/view?usp=sharing
On the evening of Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00 PM there will be an Ellsworth School Board meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15aMog4IOUphTqwqImUR6T-1jTWLNjeQc/view?usp=sharing
On the evening of Thursday, October 3rd at 6:00 PM there will be a Special Ellsworth School Board meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YfaJNKwkWm6AQz9pfN4iyV_P71uecJkv/view?usp=sharing
Your Voice Matters!
Join us for our Ellsworth School Department strategic planning community forum!
When: Monday, October 7th at 6pm in the EEMS Cafeteria
(see the attached flyer for more information)
On the evening of Tuesday, September 24th at 6:00 PM there will be an Ellsworth School Board Workshop meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cw2O066pYvLjrLFHzqJZUGFcSG2CN5fJ/view?usp=sharing
Invitation to Bid
Ellsworth School Department 2024-25 Snow Removal Contracts and Salting/Sanding Contracts for EEMS, EHS & Bus Garage. Click here for more information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18JiNdRjfl0-2EyeAjg93YhZHWr-CsA_d/view?usp=sharing
The agenda has been updated for the Ellsworth School Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday,September 10th at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the updated agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J-ZdW1RTRhg32ibTCpJmTqmXgFJHMKem/view?usp=sharing
On the evening of Tuesday, September 10th at 6:00 PM there will be an Ellsworth School Board meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JTGh5G8b8KHGGJUmI0phUhhmpB2LXQID/view?usp=sharing
The agenda has been updated for the Ellsworth School Board workshop meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27th at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the updated agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mi6c7Ls8X-ifi_tz5zPUSQ-UdM08ETXw/view?usp=sharing
The girls soccer kick around for this afternoon has been canceled.
The agenda has been updated for the Ellsworth School Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, August 13th at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers.. Here is the link to the updated agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ab0yoLbWmhbnbVdvsBDTBkYFB40Fhjx2/view?usp=sharing
EEMS soccer coaches are offering some preseason soccer opportunities for players right on the lower soccer field at EEMS.
Boys: this week Monday (8/12) and Wednesday (8/14) and next week Monday (8/19) and Wednesday (8/21) from 3-4:30pm.
Girls: this week Tuesday (8/13) and Thursday (8/15) and next week Tuesday (8/20) and Thursday (8/22) from 5-6:30pm.
Players are highly encouraged to be ready for soccer activities with shin guards, cleats, mouthguard and water.
These opportunities will not affect team placement when school starts.
If there are any questions, please email mdowns@ellsworthschools.org.