On the evening of Thursday, April 14, 2022, there will be a School Board Meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting will start at 6:00pm and can be viewed on the the ESD School Board Meeting Youtube channel, the City of Ellsworth YouTube Channel and on Spectrum Channel 1303 in Ellsworth. The agenda can be viewed at - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f-C5U9udm0A2HuFIrigGvnnBXuV_Esl4/view?usp=sharing
On the evening of April 11, 2022 there will be Special School Board Meeting in the Ellsworth Superintendent’s Office Conference Room. This meeting will be in Executive Session under MRSA, Title 20 A, Section 405, Subsection 6, and no Board action will be taken. The agenda can be viewed here -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jEyAjnTNAH8ecRtY24fb-9cH4OK-cEv0/view?usp=sharing
The following Special School Board Meetings on April 6, 7, and 8, 2022 are intended for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the position of Ellsworth Superintendent of Schools only. All meetings will be in Executive Session under MRSA, Title 20 A, Section 405, Subsection 6, and no Board action will be taken. The agenda can be viewed here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YGj6r-rz9wmIcJLUkjayfeAsUrbXT0KA/view?usp=sharing
EEMS staff would like to thank our Ellsworth Community Donors for supporting our teaching and support staff last Friday by providing lunch, dessert and flowers. Thank you to Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, Stanley Subaru, Jordan-Fernald, Coastal Auto Parts-NAPA for sponsoring and delivering pizza. Thank you to Pat's Pizza for preparing and providing pizza at a significant discount. Teri Sargent and Micki Sumpter thank you for taking the time to bake cookies. Our sincere gratitude to The Bud Connection for the daffodils. Thank you for making us feel valued and appreciated. EEMS is lucky to have the support of an amazing community. We are truly blessed!
On the evening of Monday, March 21th, 2022, there will be a School Board Workshop at the EEMS Library. The meeting will start at 5:00pm and will be an executive session.. The School Board Workshop is intended for discussion purposes only. The meeting will be live streamed to the ESD School Board Meeting Youtube channel. The agenda can be viewed at - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aiX1YoVhzaRJpbUlSlw61ca5YNJoO1DNJQihtx4YnMY/edit?usp=sharing
On the evening of Tuesday, March 22th, 2022, there will be a School Board Workshop at the EEMS Cafeteria. The meeting will start at 6:00pm. This meeting will not be streamed due to a change in format. Please see the agenda for more information-
Girls in K-3 who might be interested in Girl Scouts and what this program is all about are invited to attend an informational meeting on March 16th, at 5pm in the EEMS MS Library. For more information, please see the attached picture.
On the evening of Monday, March 14th, 2022, there will be a School Board Workshop at the EEMS Library. The meeting will start at 5:00pm. The School Board Workshop is intended for discussion purposes only. The meeting will be live streamed to the ESD School Board Meeting Youtube channel. The agenda can be viewed at - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aiX1YoVhzaRJpbUlSlw61ca5YNJoO1DNJQihtx4YnMY/edit?usp=sharing
On the evening of March 22nd there will be a general public meeting designed to solicit input on what people think are important attributes necessary for Ellsworth Superintendent Candidates to possess. The meeting will be held at the Ellsworth Elementary Middle School Cafeteria and will start at 6:00pm. This meeting will be live streamed to the ESD School Board Meeting Youtube channel, the City of Ellsworth YouTube Channel and on Spectrum Channel 1303 in Ellsworth. The agenda can be viewed at -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MGgRiGTZ6V6urGo1_aKKBfjUAQ2T7-nv/view?usp=sharing
Good evening,
We are happy to announce that grades 5-8 are going to The Grand on Friday March 11 for our theater students to perform the play for our students. This was our musical that, due to a storm, lost two shows. Buses will bring students to and from the performance in the morning.
There will be a 6pm show March 11 open to the public, the cost of the show is a donation.
Special thanks to The Grand for allowing us to have this opportunity.
If you have any questions please contact Travis Wood twood@ellworthschools.org
Please read this important message regarding optional masking beginning tomorrow, March 4th, 2022. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jj9JnCFGot8Xv6UcC4DV7q7Mt5ikLAuJZJOUEU4k6CA/edit?usp=sharing
On the evening of Thursday, March 3, 2022, there will be a School Board Meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting will start at 6:00pm and can be viewed on the the ESD School Board Meeting Youtube channel, the City of Ellsworth YouTube Channel and on Spectrum Channel 1303 in Ellsworth. The agenda can be viewed at - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PImw5-Rl0fhSAwgK9z_R16tZGLUW1avD-P-akK7e15Y/edit?usp=sharing
On the evening of Thursday, March 10th, 2022, there will be a School Board Meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting will start at 6:00pm and can be viewed on the the ESD School Board Meeting Youtube channel, the City of Ellsworth YouTube Channel and on Spectrum Channel 1303 in Ellsworth. The agenda can be viewed at - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tURGFQGjyW-GYHB6UnvKtikcC2_cI0cM5tVfJcdBLPw/edit?usp=sharing
Please let the school board know which 4 superintendent attributes are most important to you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoWyqkR3AmFojt8_LRBU1yK2JhK9AxLm3J7uPT87fvatrI2g/viewform
Dear Ellsworth School Department Interested Community,
The Ellsworth School Department is in the process of searching for a superintendent of our schools. This process should be as thorough as possible, and it consists of many different aspects. One important element of the selection process is to solicit input from the public. A quick survey is therefore provided for you to contribute to this important responsibility.
As you look over a list of common leadership characteristics, you are asked to select the four (4) most important attributes which you believe a superintendent in Ellsworth should possess in his or her role as an educational leader. This survey is completely anonymous, and should only take a few minutes of your time.
On behalf of the Ellsworth School Department, the school board thanks you for providing your input to the search process. We always appreciate hearing from the community. Again, thank you, Kelly Mckenney School Board Chair
On the evening of Monday, February 21 th, 2022, there will be a School Board Workshop at the EEMS Library. The meeting will start at 5:00pm. The School Board Workshop is intended for discussion purposes only. The meeting will be live streamed to the ESD School Board Meeting Youtube channel. The agenda can be viewed at - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d8swsOJdEgdoUYa7-BxhVmfklwtJZe0Z/view?usp=sharing
There will be a two hour delay for all ESD Schools, Tuesday, Feb 8, 2022.
Good Evening, due to inclement weather, there will be no school or remote classes for Ellsworth schools. School will resume on Monday, 2/7/22.
Due to a heating issue, all programming at HCTC is closed tomorrow, Thursday, 2/3/22. Welding at Bucksport HS is still in session.
Principal Clifford February Update is linked. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y8iL4F1pZnZZb4zjxUE9fci_xqpFiEwY/view?usp=sharing
Kids Heart Challenge Letter is linked https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z_Gf-tJiakQ8D89tbOLH-BvB_AsfGkeI8zBGsQaRdBQ/edit?usp=sharing